(images, images_ids, interval=100, start_frame=0, end_frame=None, show_title=True, alt_title=None)¶ Bases:
Animates a sequence of images. Mainly to be used to display a typhoon sequence temporal evolution.
Parameters: - images (list) – List with image arrays. Each element of the list must be an array of 2 dimensions.
- images_ids (list) – List of the ids of the elements in the list images.
- interval (int) – Interval between frames while visualizing the animation.
- start_frame (int) – First image frame of the list to visualize.
- end_frame (int) – Last image frame of the list to visualize.
- show_title (bool) – Set to false if no title should be shown in the figure.
(save=False, filename='untitled')¶ Runs the animation
()¶ Runs the animation
(images, images_ids, predictions, ground_truth, interval=100, start_frame=0, end_frame=None, show_title=True, alt_title=None)¶ Bases:
Animates a sequence of images and provides a visualisation of the network prediction. To be used to display a typhoon sequence temporal evolution. Currently, only working for binary predictions (0, 1).
Parameters: - images (list) – List with image arrays. Each element of the list must be an array of 2 dimensions.
- images_ids (list) – List of the ids of the elements in the list images.
- predictions (Network predictions for samples in images. Note that this list should only contain ‘0’ and ‘1’.) – list
- ground_truth (list) – Ground truth labels for samples in images. Note that this list should only contain ‘0’ and ‘1’.
- interval (int) – Interval between frames while visualizing the animation.
- start_frame (int) – First image frame of the list to visualize.
- end_frame (int) – Last image frame of the list to visualize.
- show_title (bool) – Set to false if no title should be shown in the figure.
(ax, X, colorbar=False, vmin=None, vmax=None, cmap=None, barsize=None)¶ Wrapper around plt.imshow. Code from here.
Parameters: - ax (matplotlib.axes.Axes instance) – Plot axis.
- X (numpy.array) – 2D image array.
- colorbar –
- vmin (float) – Minimum value in the bar.
- vmax (float) – Maximum value in the bar.
- cmap – If None, default to rc image.cmap value. cmap is ignored if X is 3-D, directly specifying RGB(A) values.
- barsize (float or str) – Tick label font size in points or as a string (e.g., ‘large’).
(imgs, nrows, ncols, border=1)¶ Given a set of images with all the same shape, makes a mosaic with nrows and ncols
Parameters: - imgs (numpy.array) – Array of shape (N, W, H), where N: #images, W: width and H: height.
- nrows (int) – Number of rows in the plot grid.
- ncols (int) – Number of columns in the plot grid.
- border (int or float.) – padding between images.