Create database

For our needs, we created a batch of tools to generate an easy interaction with the Digital Typhoon data. In particular, we exploited the functionality of pandas.DataFrame objects to track which images have been corrected and other relevant image features. The core interface here is PDManager.

>>> from pyphoon.db import pd_manager
>>> pd_man = pd_manager.PDManager()

Original image data

Assuming that orig_images_dir is a string containing the path to the original source images (as explained in section Data), you can load them using the method add_orig_images().

>>> pd_man.add_original_images(orig_images_dir)

This method creates an internal DataFrame representation of the original image data. You may have a look at as

>>> pd_man.original_images.head()

Furthermore, you may want to save this table as a pickle file in images_pkl_path using

>>> pd_man.save_original_images(images_pkl_path)

In subsequent executions, you can load this table by using

>>> pd_man.load_original_images(images_pkl_path)

Best track data

Assuming that besttrack_dir is a string containing the path to the best track data (as explained in section Data), you can load this data using the method add_besttrack().

>>> pd_man.add_besttrack(besttrack_dir)

This method creates an internal DataFrame representation of the best track data. You may have a look at as

>>> pd_man.besttrack.head()

Furthermore, you may want to save this table as a pickle file in besttrack_pkl_path using

>>> pd_man.save_besttrack(besttrack_pkl_path)

In subsequent executions, you can load this table by using

>>> pd_man.load_besttrack(besttrack_pkl_path)

Corrected image data

To include corrupted image data in PDManager you need to first generate the dataset of the corrected versions of the originally corrupted images. To do so, you need to refer to method generate_new_image_dataset().

Define Fix Algorithm

As pointed out in Data, we first need to define the fixing algorithm

>>> from pyphoon.clean_satellite.correction import correct_corrupted_pixels_1
>>> from pyphoon.clean_satellite.detection import detect_corrupted_pixels_1
>>> from pyphoon.clean_satellite.generation import generate_new_frames_1
>>> from pyphoon.clean_satellite.fix import TyphoonListImageFixAlgorithm
>>> # Define Fixing algorithm
>>> fix_algorithm = TyphoonListImageFixAlgorithm(
...    detect_fct=detect_corrupted_pixels_1,
...    correct_fct=correct_corrupted_pixels_1,
...    detect_params={'min_th': 160, 'max_th': 310},
...    n_frames_th=2

Generate new dataset

Once the algorithm is defined, let us apply generate the new dataset using method generate_new_image_dataset(). Replace images_orig_dir with the directory of original images and images_corrected_dir with the directory for the new corrected data.

>>> from pyphoon.clean_satellite.fix import generate_corrected_image_dataset
>>> generate_new_image_dataset(images_orig_dir=images_orig_dir,
...                            fix_algorithm=fix_algorithm,
...                            images_corrected_dir=images_corrected_dir,
...                            display=True
...                            )

Add new dataset info to PDManager

Once the dataset is created, its information can be easily imported to pd_man as

>>> pd_man.add_corrupted_images(images_dir=corrected_dir)

Like other table fields, you can save the table using

>>> pd_man.save_corrupted_images(corrupted_pkl_path)

and load

>>> pd_man.load_corrupted_images(corrupted_pkl_path)