
etl (2022 Aug – present) — maintenance and development of an internal tool to process and catalog datasets at Our World in Data.
docs, github owid

instagram/ourworldindata (2022 Mar – present) — create and edit content for Our World in Data’s Instagram account.
instagram, threads owid

owid/covid-19-data (2020 Dec – present) — global COVID-19 dataset.
website, github owid

whatstk (2016 Dec – present) — whatstk is a Python module for WhatsApp chat group analysis and distributed under the GPL-3.0 license.
webapp, documentation, github, article personal

democracy (2023 Apr – May) — data, visualizations, and writing on on how democracy has spread across countries, how it differs between them, and whether we are moving towards a more democratic world.
topic page owid

war and peace (2023 Dec) — data, visualizations, and writing on how common war and peace are between and within countries, and how this has changed over time.
topic page owid

life expectancy (2023 Dec) — data and research on life expectancy and related measures of longevity: the probability of death at a given age, the sex gap in life expectancy, lifespan inequality within countries, and more.
topic page owid

pandemics (2023 Nov) — data and research on pandemics in history and how we can reduce their risk in the future.
topic page owid

population growth (2023 Jul) — population growth is one of the most important topics we cover at Our World in Data. Learn more about this topic in this topic page.
topic page owid

mental health (2023 May) — mental health is an essential part of people’s lives and society. Poor mental health affects our well-being, our ability to work, and our relationships with friends, family, and community. Learn more about this topic in this topic page.
topic page owid

suicides (2023 Apr) — every death from suicide is a tragedy. But research shows that its rates can be reduced with greater understanding and support. Learn more about this topic in this topic page.
topic page owid

ozone layer (2023 Mar) — the ozone layer plays a vital role in making the planet habitable for us and other species. High in the atmosphere – between 10 to 50 kilometers above the earth’s surface – the ozone layer absorbs most of the sun’s ultraviolet radiation. Learn more about this topic in this topic page.
topic page owid

five key findings from the 2022 UN Population Prospects (2022 Jul) — article highlighting five key findings from latest data from the United Nations World Population Prospects (2022).
website owid

population & demography explorer (2022 Jun – Sep) — interface to interact and explore population and demography indicators, using data from the United Nations World Population Prospects (2022).
website owid

global food explorer (2021 Dec) — dataset and interface to interact and explore food systems, using data from the UN Food and Agriculture Organization. Version 1.
website owid

covid19-vaccination-subnational (archived) — centralized global COVID-19 vaccination dataset at regional level.
website, github owid

sociepy (2021 Jan – Jan 2024) — collaborative data science projects linked to social, environmental analysis and open data.
website, github personal

pyphoon (2018 May) — python interface to the Digital Typhoon dataset.
website, github academia

deep learning for digital typhoon (2019 Feb) — master Thesis as double degree student Electrical Engineering at KTH Stockholm and Telecommunications Engineering at UPC Barcelona.
thesis report academia

deep koalarization (2017 Dec) — image colorization using CNNs and Inception-ResNet-v2.
github, website, arXiv paper academia

square-law selector and square-law combiner for cognitive radio systems: An Experimental Study (2016 Sep) — successfully published a paper at Proceedings of IEEE 84th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), Sept 2016, Montreal, Canada.
IEEExplore, researchgate, academia

deployment of energy detector for cognitive relay with multiple antennas (2015 Jul) — bachelor thesis in Telecommunications Engineering as an exchange student at KIT.
report academia