talks and press
Pacific Data Hub Talanoa: The Power of Data Visualisation [2022, talk, English/French]
Talk about the power of visualisation and how the brain visualises data to best practices when making a data visualisation.
Recording, Event
El trabajo de Our World in Data más allá del covid [2022, press, Spanish]
Live radio interview at No Toquen nada, radio show by Del Sol FM, reflecting on our work at Our World in Data during the Pandemic and other projects we are currently working on.
radio interview
Radio interview [2021, press, Catalan]
Live interview in Catalunya Informació, the catalan public 24h-news radio station, to review the raise in cases in Europe.
'Our World in Data': ¿El mundo va a mejor o a peor? [2021, press, Spanish]
Press article (in Spanish) at Crónica Global about my work at Our World in Data during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Entrevista a Our World in Data: impacto covid, comparaciones y limitaciones [2021, press, Spanish]
Radio interview at No Toquen nada, radio show by Del Sol FM, about our work at Our World in Data and how we have adapted to operate with more dynamic data such as COVID-19.
radio interview
Fact check: India's COVID-19 surge not connected to vaccinations [2021, press, Spanish]
Brief intervention in a USA Today article to fact check the effectivity of the vaccinations against COVID-19.
Exploring WhatsApp data - Analyze your WhatsApp chat data using Python [2020, blog post, English]
Presentation to the public of python library whatstk on Towards Data Science blog.
Deep learning for Digital Typhoon: Exploring a typhoon satellite image dataset using deep learning [2018, talk, English]
Defense of my master thesis after a 6 month stay at the National Institute of Informatics.
thesis report, abstract, pyphoon library, digital typhoon
- 6th July 2018 at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Campus Nord room D5-007 (Barcelona, Catalonia/Spain).
- 14th June 2018 at KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Stockholm, Sweden).
台風データベースが人気 情報の活用法突き詰め:北本 朝展 [2018, press, Japanese]
Interview to Prof. Kitamoto-sensei in Nikkei Science about the Digital Typhoon project.
article, digital typhoon
Typhoon image prediction using deep learning and AI [2018, talk, English]
Presentation at the Yokohama National University of results obtained using AI for Digital Typhoon project.
presentation slides, blog post, pyphoon library, digital typhoon
- 26th April 2018 at the Yokohama National Uninversity (Yokohama, Japan).